Sunday, March 19, 2017

Planning, planning, and more planning

My group and I discussed ways that we would represent our scenario in our two minute film opening. We had to decide who would be chosen as actors, where the setting would be, what days we would record and edit, etc. In order to start our rough draft process we first had to research and then we came up with ideas. We thought of many ideas, but many of those ideas didn't work out. We finally came to a conclusion on what our two minute opening would be. We would represent a young girl who is going out of the country to visit her best friend who was deported. This idea can be show through many ways. The friend of the main character was deported therefore she has to be hispanic. This can be represent through the actor we choose for her character and also in her body language. Another thing that came to mind when we were planning was where we would film. Choosing where we film is very important.

This link helped me learn more about how to choose the right filming location. Here is some helpful tips that I learned from the article that I will use when filming...
-  filming is the most important aspect of the film
- depending on where you are filming you may or may not need permission
- a film is more believable if it is filmed in a natural environment
- the actors and location add emotional feedback to the viewers

While researching about where to film our opening I came across another article. This article also gave me tips to use when filming.
- make sure your filming location is convenient
- always select a location that has something to do with what the movie is talking about in the script
- don't be rushed, make sure it is the right location before you film the whole thing

Hoffman, Sandy. "Choosing the Right Film Location | AIDY Reviews..." AIDY REVIEWS. Sandy Hoffman, 03 June 2016. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.
Resources, FMF. "For Filmmakers: Keep In Mind These Six Things Before Choosing A Film Location." Filmmakers Fans. FMF Resources, 18 Aug. 2015. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.

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